About Us

Who We Are
LCVRS are the first responder to 9-1-1 calls. These calls run from general illness or weakness, to the more specialized and serious, such as cardiac arrest, vehicle entrapment, allergic reaction, or a plane crash. These calls are answered by 50 active volunteer members who donate anywhere from 24 to 48 or more hours per month of their personal time while working a full-time job or attending school. Additionally, we have 20 paid career staff to cover our daytime shifts.
- 50 Operational Members
- Lightning-Fast Response Trucks
- Experienced Team
- Fast Response Team
- Ready 24/7
- Over 70 Years of Service
Our Impact
Celebrating 70 Years
Loudoun County Volunteer Rescue Squad started in 1952.
Loudoun County Volunteer Rescue Squad was the first independent rescue squad in Loudoun County, LCVRS’s founding members used a station wagon as an ambulance and operated without a building, training or equipment. The drive these members shared to support their community in a time of need continues today by applying the latest skills and state of the art equipment to serve Leesburg and its surrounding communities. Throughout its seven-decade history, LCVRS has played a major role in the development of the emergency medical system in Loudoun County.
In our first year (1952) LCVRS answered 40 emergency calls. Now, our emergency call volume is over 4,000. LCVRS serves a community population of over 51,000.
Our success relies on the commitment of our dedicated volunteer members. In the past year, our volunteers have dedicated nearly 15,000 hours of duty service, which equates to approximately $600,000 in savings to the county and its taxpayers.

Chaplains Response Team
The Loudoun County Combined Fire & Rescue System has an active Chaplains Response Program designed to provide emotional and spiritual support for members of the fire and rescue system and the community. The Loudoun County Volunteer Rescue Squad is pleased to have dedicated volunteers Sylvia and Daniel Quiñones, Spanish speaking chaplains authorized to provide support during emergency incidents and non-emergency events. Sylvia and Daniel have been serving the community since 2018. They were inspired to answer the call by LCCF&R Chaplaincy founder Charlie Grant and others, because of the spiritual needs of our First Responders at the station and at certain incidents, along with our community.
LCVRS maintains a fleet of five ambulances and three support units. Our support units have been used to assist in trail rescues, vehicles accidents and community events.
LCVRS trains on state of the art equipment to offer the best care for Leesburg and the surrounding communities.
LCVRS is so very thankful to be able to serve our community.
This is our bay, which houses our five
ambulances, Utility, SERV and Gator.
Our members are constantly training.
LCVRS worked closely with other Stations to
extricate an injured patient. With our medic on scene,
we were able to give the patient much
needed pain relief before removal.
LCVRS on the scene of a one vehicle accident.
Our members take pride in their Station.
LCVRS on scene to assist fellow first responders.
This is our bay, which houses our five ambulances, Utility, SERV and Gator.
Our members are constantly training.
LCVRS worked closely with other Stations to extricate an injured patient. With our medic on scene, we were able to give the patient much
needed pain relief before removal.
LCVRS on the scene of a one vehicle accident.
Our members take pride in their Station.
LCVRS on scene to assist fellow first responders.