General Donations

Dear Neighbor,

For 70 years, Loudoun County Volunteer Rescue Squad (LCVRS) have given their time and energy to provide the highest levels of rescue service to Loudoun County.  Our volunteers are your neighbors, from all walks of life who work together to serve you and the rest of our community.

LCVRS volunteer is a non-profit organization providing rescue and emergency medical services to homes and businesses in the Leesburg area.  LCVRS is able to do this thanks to our dedicated volunteers that make up our organization.  Our volunteers donate an estimated 15,000 hours of unpaid time each year.  Our volunteers staff ambulances (owned by LCVRS) from 6pm to 6am every night.

Having our dedicated, highly trained and certified volunteers in your community, offers many benefits:

  • Our members are ready to respond to emergencies at anytime and anywhere in the community, even when they’re not on duty– in the grocery store, schools, and our places of work.
  • Leesburg residents realize substantial property tax savings because we are a volunteer-run, non-profit organization.  A Loudoun County Government analysis conducted in 2018 showed that the volunteer fire and rescue system provide approximately $27.7 million in annual value to taxpayers in the County.

You can help by:

  • Donate: We rely on the generosity of our neighbors to support the operations of the Department.  Please consider a donation of $50, $150, $250 or more in your end-of-year giving
  • Support: Let your elected officials know that you support a strong volunteer rescue presence in the county, not only because of the savings we drive but because having neighbors helping neighbors is critical to our safety and sense of community.

Thank you in advance for supporting us.  We are honored to serve you.